Years ago when my last name was Bass we were hauling a young mule
(yearling) to town to the vet to get castrated. Back in those days,besides
our old stock trailer we had a stock rack on the back of our old pickup and that
is how we were hauling this mule (loose). We parked on the main street of
town, and ran across the street to pick up some groceries. In just that little
while that we were in the store the mule managed the climb the sides of the
stock rack in an attempt to jump out...which he managed to do except his back
feet hung up in the top rails of the stock rack. So there he was hanging
by his back feet with his front feet just inches from the ground. There
was a welding shop right there and they cut him down and luck would have it he
didn't have a scratch on him..The next week, front page giant photo of our local
newspaper showed the mule hanging out of the truck with the headline " Bass's
Ass Hangs Out"