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[RC] [Endurance Riding: News] Kiwi endurance riders place in SouthAfrica - Steph Teeter

September 1, 2008

A team of New Zealand endurance riders has performed well in South Africa, at a ride in Dullstroon last month.

Kirsten Deuss placed second in the 123.5km ride on Arkab Aqrab, finishing in a time of 10 hours, six minutes and nine seconds, behind the winner in 10:40:05. Teresa Birkett was fifth (Moolmanshoek Maximus, 11:16:20), and Nadine Barker finished sixth (Tuarec Jamill, 11:40:42) of the six riders to finish. Tony Masters vetted out, along with four other riders. The team finished second of three teams.

The team's next start was to be a tri-nations event in Namibia, with teams from South Africa, Namibia and Botswana also competing. Gaewyn Churchill was to replace Tony Masters on the team.

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Posted By Steph Teeter to Endurance Riding: News at 9/02/2008 11:27:00 AM