[RC] Trace Tribute 2009 - Angie FuraDue to some extenuating circumstances, I've decided not to have a Trace Tribute in 2009. First and foremost, our course designer, April, who does everything from trail marking to website management, was involved in an accident and needs time to heal. I simply can't do this ride without her.
Also, since the ride took a loss in 2008 due to weather conditions, skipping a year will allow me to save money. Unfortunately, I have to pay for some atypical things like police support on the road crossings. I don't want to forego these safety measures just to have a ride. I'd rather be safe than sorry.
The good news is that David and I will have time now to do some much needed trail maintenance and rerouting. If you're in middle Tennessee and would like to participate, please let me know.
We'll be back in 2010! Angie Fura www.tracetribute.com