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[RC] Ponied Horse - Bruce Weary

In regard to gleaning out whether a rule exists stating whether a rider can enter two or more horses in a ride or not, I will be very interested in the outcome. If this can be done because there is no specific rule against it, I am hoping to enter a three legged horse in a ride, as there is no specific rule against that, either, as far as I know. I figure I got 25% less of a chance of going lame. :>
Even if this could be done, look at some of the ramifications: If the ponied horse gets sick, can the rider leave it with the vet at the vet check on fluids while they continue on to get at least one completion? If the ridden horse gets sick, can he be left at the vet check while the rider continues on with the (unsaddled) ponied horse on foot for the rest of the 100 miler? If both horses get pulled, will the rider have two pulls on his record? Would the rider have to pay two ride fees? Would the ride manager have to provide two top ten awards to the rider if both horses finish in the top ten? Who takes care of a horse that is left behind at a vet check because it can't go on? If the ponied horse gets loose during a mad dash to the finish line, and passes another horse and rider, who wins?
I think there are more productive things to wonder about in improving our sport. Bruce Weary


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