Why not say, "Steel shoes can hold the hoof together when a horse does not have access 24/7 turnout or pasture."
Because 24/7 turnout or pasture is not the only way to achieve sufficient movement for healthy hooves. Sufficient movement is necessary, in any way that it can be provided. Most endurance horses, including my own, live in stalls/corrals, but they get ridden and turned out enough on a daily basis. Many urban boarding facilities are full of horses that the owner does not even visit on a regular (daily) basis, let alone ride. During winter months, very few boarding facilities have good enough drainage to give the horses dry places to stand and lay.
Steph asked a serious question in a straightforward way, expecting answers that would provide her with more information and a better understanding of the Barefoot Trim and what did she get?
She got a very impartial response with a very concrete referral that contains the answers and links to all the future questions that might pop up. Since no one on RC is a certified Barefoot trimmer who could correctly her question in a few words, the referral that was given would provide the correct information. When reading any works on the topic of naturally healthy hooves, the combination of movement and living conditions are two of the main ingredients in the cake. These are what need to be managed more closely if not relying on steel shoes. These are simply facts, not slaps.
"By hiring a farrier to take responsibility for the horses feet, the owner only needs to know how to write a check."
This is what my personal friends have said to me! And I too pay someone to trim my horse because I have a bad back, and don't want to spend the time and money to learn the details. Most horse owners pay someone to do their horse's feet. It is simply a fact! We don't have time to do it all.
Terry "May the Horse be with you"
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