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[RC] Pregnant Mares - Bruce Weary DC

Karen said: "
however.....lets not forget mares in the wild....who are bred and carrying the extra weight of a foal every year...what is the weight of a foal? Those mares are keeping up with the herd while pregnant....."
Good point, and I guess I would respond that a newborn foal probably weighs about 60-100 lbs, not the weight of most riders with tack. And those mares aren't going 50 to 100 miles a day at speed. I know a guy from National Geographic who used to track wild mustangs, and with a remote microphone, could pick up the conversation of the pregnant mares as they chatted amongst themselves. They said things like, "I'm tired of being fat," "My last foal took 42 hours of labor," "I'd kill for some Rocky Road right about now," and, "If Studmuffin over there gives me that "come hither" look one more time, I'm gonna kick his a**."

Apparently, we are all part of the same animal kingdom. :> Bruce Weary


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