[RC] Slightly OT: breedng/foal question - Rae Callaway
I’d like to pick some experienced brains here. I
have a mare that has uterine cysts. The vets gave her about a 50% chance
of getting pregnant and told me to either breed the heck out of her and hope it
takes, or go to TAMU and have some laser surgery done. At the time, I was
disappointed that she wasn’t pregnant and made plans to go to TAMU the
following spring for the surgery. That didn’t work out as planned,
as the mare turned out to be pregnant after all and popped out a really cute
So, my questions.
1. About how far along after breeding can this mare
be ultrasounded to see if she’s pregnant and the foal will be identifiable
from the cysts? I’m assuming that’s why two vets (one a
surgical repro specialist) both told me she wasn’t pregnant the previous
year. She had been ultrasounded at 18 & 25 days
2.Would the presence of these cysts retard the foals
growth in any way? Just wondering because the colt is the smallest this
mare’s ever had. It could be the breeding match up, but the
stallion has produced large foals from other, smaller mares.