[RC] Why I Couldn't Find Out How Bonnie Did At Bighorn - Chipnml
I finally heard from Bonnie Mielke, the rider from WI I was going to crew
for at Tevis. She found out about the cancellation en route and decided to
go on to Bighorn. I've been trying to find out how she did out there, but
no one seemed to know. Now I know why!! Here's what she wrote
I was
riding Loki on the BLM land near the ranch where I was staying when we
separated. He freaked when I came off - not knowing where he was and
it's SOOOO big there (the bigness bothered him). He took off, ran for
about 8 miles, numerous people tried to catch him (like when he blew through
the parking lot of a gypsum plant). He finally ended up in a box canyon,
thank goodness, and I think finally slowed down enough for his brain to start
functioning and realized that he would never find his happy home unless he let
someone catch him. A railroad guy caught him and took him to a woman
nearby who raised goats. She put him in a pen and called the
sherrif. We were searching on 4 wheelers, but never would have found him
- he went too far. All that was left on him was his saddle, under his
belly. How he got a biothane breat collar off is beyond me. It
took us 45 min. to drive there to pick him up.
I had him checked
over by a vet and she said he was fine, but when I went to load him on Fri to
go to the ride site (it was too awful to go there any earlier - dirt and
prickly pear on a hill top) he was dead lame. I walked him every 2
hrs all day and he got a little better. I had a massage therapist look at
him. She couldn't pin point any thing that would make him so lame. SO, I
loaded up on Sat and came home. When we got to the first stop, in SD, he
was sound coming off the trailer, galloped, did his big trot, bucked,
etc. I called the massagist and told her and she said that he probably
just takes a little longer than most for the pains to rise to the
surface. Why can't he be normal and get sore after 2
SO, I had a nice trip, rode in some beautiful places, got
to spend time with my little sis, met a ton of really nice people, especially
the people at the ranch in Greybull where we spent a week, and got to drive -
a lot.
I was also very disappointed that the Tevis was cancelled, but ... next year in Aurburn!! I'm keeping all of my notes, etc. Thank you all of hanging in there with me. I hope you got all of your money back on the tickets.
I did have a very nice trip, though with the exception of about 4 hrs. I was riding Loki on the BLM land near the ranch where I was staying when we separated. He freaked when I came off - not knowing where he was and it's SOOOO big there (the bigness bothered him). He took off, ran for about 8 miles, numerous people tried to catch him (like when he blew through the parking lot of a gypsum plant). He finally ended up in a box canyon, thank goodness, and I think finally slowed down enough for his brain to start functioning and realized that he would never find his happy home unless he let someone catch him. A railroad guy caught him and took him to a woman nearby who raised goats. She put him in a pen and called the sherrif. We were searching on 4 wheelers, but never would have found him - he went too far. All that was left on him was his saddle, under his belly. How he got a biothane breat collar off is beyond me. It took us 45 min. to drive there to pick him up.
I had him checked over by a vet and she said he was fine, but when I went to load him on Fri to go to the ride site (it was too awful to go there any earlier - dirt and prickly pear on a hill top) he was dead lame. I walked him every 2 hrs all day and he got a little better. I had a massage therapist look at him. She couldn't pin point any thing that would make him so lame. SO, I loaded up on Sat and came home. When we got to the first stop, in SD, he was sound coming off the trailer, galloped, did his big trot, bucked, etc. I called the massagist and told her and she said that he probably just takes a little longer than most for the pains to rise to the surface. Why can't he be normal and get sore after 2 days??
SO, I had a nice trip, rode in some beautiful places, got to spend time with my little sis, met a ton of really nice people, especially the people at the ranch in Greybull where we spent a week, and got to drive - a lot.
Lynn, what happened to you?? Do you have an adventure to share?
I have your stuff, Chip and Suzie. I'll bring it to Point Chaser. If you need it sooner, I'll try and connect with someone who can bring it over, like TJ. Who does the green and red back pack belong to? It's empty.
Thanks again my crew, don't give up on the Tevis and Loki and me.
From: Chipnml@xxxxxxx Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 19:22:44 -0400 Subject: Welcome back and congratulations!!! To: bonniemielke@xxxxxxxxxxx
I was so disappointed about Tevis being cancelled, but glad you were able to get up to Bighorn. So far I haven't heard what your time was, but figure you DID finish since the only pull was someone from Colorado. We are all sorry we couldn't have been there to help crew, but Lynn got injured at Mosquito and may not have been up to par by then (she says she'd have been fine). Looking forward to getting your story!