At rides, and when traveling TO rides, I braid an
ID tag into my horses mane. You can either have a tag made, attach some ribbon
to it, and then braid into mane, or the most simple, and lease expensive thing
to do, is braid some light colored ribbon into the mane, and leave a couple
inches to hang down at the bottom, and have your cell phone number written on
it. In a pinch, flagging ribbon will work. I have searched for lost horses at
rides, and often they no longer have their bridle on when found. While they can
rip out a braid, it is less likely to happen than it is to lose their head gear.
A friend puts in a braid, then has a 2" piece of white velcro, both hook
and loop, that she puts through the braid, and pushes closed. Written on it, is
her name and phone number. Here is a photo with the tag and ribbon on my horses