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[RC] Vermont 100 and calvary - Greenall

Sorry Paul, the winner of the Vermont 100 did not ride calvary. ?Farzad was coming without a crew but planned on getting help from other riders crews. ?Happily we found him his own crew who did a super job and now we fear he is so spoiled that he might never be "crewless" again!

From: "Paul" <Paul@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [RC] ? Cavalry Riders at Vermont

Did you notice that the first place Cavalry Rider at the Old Dominion =
100 won the Vermont 100? And that the first Cavalry rider at Longstreets =
Charge won the Vermont 75? Coincidence?? I think not. Riding Cavalry =
helps you with your ride and with your horse.

Where and when is the next ride offering a Cavalry Division?

Paul N. Sidio
Spokane MO

John and Sue Greenall
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