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[RC] Rubbing alcohol - the good and the bad - Sheila_Larsen

First rubbing alcohol for cooling should be mixed with water not
necessarily used straight.  Pour some in a bucket before putting on, it
just helps the water evaporate more quickly thereby increasing cooling.
Now here is the caution!!!!!.  Yes it wil l sting any cuts and scrapes.  I
used it once at an endurance ride (diluted with water) and thought my horse
was colicing man he was stomping, biting his side and shaking.  I thought
-mmm I have done it now and am killing my horse, it wasn't until later that
I think I put two and two together. Ok it wasn't that hot and I think he
got chilled too quickly and I also think it probably was tingling or
something.  I have used absorbine - diluted  and didn't have this problem.
I have also used rubbing alcohol - diluted- and didn't have this problem
but it was much warmer, so use with caution and it would probably be better
in areas of higher humidity where you want to increase that evaporative

Another use t hough, this weekend I was taking care of a foal (4 months)
who was running a fever. It was warm outside (80s) and the vet suggested I
give an alcohold bath - either straight or diluted.  I diluted a small
bucket of water (maybe a gallon with 8 ounces of alcohol) and wetted a
cloth and rubbed it on the foal.  It did help bring the temperature down.
So just a thought.

Horses lend us the wings we lack.  Author Unknown


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