[RC] first time riders becoming 2nd time riders - Tx Trigger
Our NATRC region has a first time rider fund, that
after a rider does his or her first ride, they get a certificate for another
ride in the region, for I believe 1/2 off of the entry, to encourage them to
come back again, and do another ride. This is something our region has come up
with, not on a national basis, and we get the funding from one of the rides that
donates in to the fund, and by private individuals I think. (a tad unclear on
exact details) But the point is, we look to get riders back that second time.
Many riders try distance riding as a whim, and may not be really serious about
taking the sport up. Thus, we see many riders who do one ride, and that is it.
A ride manager can indeed, offer 1/2 off or some
other discount to first time riders, but they will either have to go one the
honor system, or look up each riders name in the data base, to see if they are
listed from a previous ride. But it is the ride managers choice what to
charge. Personally, I would like to see a tax for riders who whine and
complain too much to management <wink>