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Re: [RC] Change - Jon . Linderman"Endurance riders are a funny lot. I know riders with over 25,000 miles who are humble, and say they still have a lot to learn. Then there are those who have done a few LD's, or one or two 50's, that already feel they know what sweeping changes should be made in our ride structure and awards system, and that those changes would, by definition, be "improvements." Wow. Perfect, Bruce. Its often the people with the least experience that blow the hardest on RC. My own career in endurance and CTR lies somewhere between "been there done it all" and "whats a sponge for?"and I feel I am always learning. For example I learned this weekend that falling into a ditch with your horse is not conducive to completing a ride. Go figure. So since I do not know it all I haven't the singel answer that spans all interests. BUT, a piece of advice I DID NOT follow 10 years ago when I became intersted in the sport was the often repeated advice that those wanting to find out about the sport should go crew, scribe, observe, etc. To make up for that foible I've been the Trail Boss for up to 3 rides/year for the last 6 years. Its a whole 'nother world seeing the management side of rides and what people go thru as an outright service to the sport. You know if some of the people who gripe the most spent some time behind the scenes they'd get a better appreciation for the entire sport, not just their interests, and maybe just maybe some people would change their tune! Be part of the solution, not part of the problem, and spare me the part about how your life is too busy to be part of the solution. If you have time to gripe on RC you have time to be part of the solution. Jon