The last issue of Endurance News featured 5000 mile horses. Question.. can't find answer to my question on line. How are these Rider and Equine mileage programs or the 5000 mile horses calculated? just based on "endurance" miles (not LD)? There is obviously a separate category for LD (below)... but do "lifetime" miles include LD or not? To get the 1000 mile medallion, must those all be 50 miles or greater?
here is what I found on AERC:
"Rider Mileage Program: Upon completion of 250 miles, riders receive a Rider Mileage patch and a 250 mile chevron. Additional chevrons are awarded at 500, 750, and 1000 miles and at each additional 1000 miles. Riders achieving these mileage plateaus are acknowledged in Endurance News. Equine Mileage Program: Horses will receive a medallion for each 1000 miles completed. Plateaus are acknowledged in Endurance News. Limited Distance Program: Upon completion of 250 miles of Limited Distance Rides, riders receive a Limited Distance Rider Mileage patch and a 250 mile chevron. Additional chevrons are awarded at 500, 750, and 1000 miles and at each additional 1000 miles. Riders achieving these plateaus are acknowledged in Endurance News. Limited Distance Equine Mileage Program: Upon completion of each 500 miles in Limited Distance sanctioned rides, the equine will be awarded a medallion. Plateaus are acknowledged in Endurance News. "