Riding the last 15 miles of Tevis trail today with a first time entrant,
I was trying to explain that feeling that takes over, keeps you very awake
& excited, it’s very surreal, too….yep, life felt really,
really good. It wasn’t so good the year before when I had to hand walk my
horse for 7 miles in the mountains to get him to a trailer (:<( If that
happens again (NO! please, don’t let that happen again), should I run a
bit to get the endorphins released and then I’d feel good about it?
Well put, Kat...it *is* more like a runner's high. I used to run
(when I had knees that worked <G>) and it is more like that feeling one gets
after running a number of miles and then feeling like one can
keep running forever. It's truly a "high." Senses
are heightened, and life just feels good.