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RE: [RC] Overall milage for horse - Kitley, Carrie E Civ USAF AFSPC 30 MDSS/SGSLF

I definitely agree with you there!  I think a true understanding of this sport 
also comes with knowing that it is NOT a "race."  However, some will never look 
at it that way because their competitive natures will not allow it.

Carrie Kitley
// \\


-----Original Message-----
From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of rides2far@xxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 8:53 AM
To: SandyDSA@xxxxxxx
Cc: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [RC] Overall milage for horse

sigh! Why does everyone these days think they should be "given" a chance to 

Forget "given". I feel bad that they think finishing first is the only goal. I 
think it's because that is how our awards are set up. I'd like to do some 
things differently on my ride but it's tough to figure out how to reward the 
behavior you want to encourage without offending those who are used to being 
rewarded for crossing the line fast...and without making it CT or a horse show. 
I really regret I didn't think to have a high vet score this year. I will next 
year. Also want to reward horses that keep coming back for multiple finishes.

When a good looking rider and horse cross the line first it's an enjoyable 
thing to give them an award. When some yahoo on a horse that is simply putting 
up with them crosses the line first and the person is too stupid to know how 
little everyone is impressed...it's painful to see them encouraged.


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[RC] Overall milage for horse, rides2far