In a message dated 6/23/2008 3:08:11 P.M. Central Standard Time,
ridecamp-digest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
Ahahahaha! I wish I could even afford a rig with a generator,
shower, = heat, a/c, whatever else. We sleep in the back of our
truck, horses = tied to the trailer, no corrals. But we have fun and
so do our horses. = :)
I slept in the back of my pick-up and pulled a stock trailer for 16
years. When I started looking at new trailers 6 years ago, I knew I
couldn't afford a fancy LQ trailer. But after spending all that time
flopping around in my pickup trying to get my tights on, my priority was simply
to be able to stand up and sit down while getting dressed. I now am the
proud owner of a 2-horse slant with a good-sized UNFINISHED dressing room.
I take bucket baths and have a porta-potty, and get along just fine. I
would never want one of those monster rigs that have so much trouble negotiating
turns and finding a place to park!!
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