[RC] MM Camoflage - WA Sweepstates horse needs good home... - Linda-Cathrine Layman
I am absolutely astounded by the number of responses I have received from all of you regarding my Pure-Polish Arabian Sweepstakes gelding and there are no words worthy of expressing how moved I am by the understanding and compassionate content of your responses. A number of you actually offered to "care lease" him until I was back to riding, IF I am ever back riding. I still have hope. I had aspirations of taking Cam to the Olympics/World Cup - and hey, he just happens to be the color of a gold medal. The loss of that breaks my heart.
But I know one of you will be able to help us.
Because of the sheer quantity of responses, I cannot possibly reply to all of your messages. Since I neglected to mention I am in Washington State, just north of Seattle, if you are still interested and I have not responded to your email, PLEASE send another.
Cam is a very responsive and forward horse. He responds well to verbal cues but overreacts to physical discipline. He was abused when I got him but has come so far it is unbelievable. It's almost like the Horse Whisperer movie. But I would still not recommend him to a Junior unless they have a good trainer, a balanced seat and the calm demeanor of a saint. He has not been ridden since I broke my back last August. And for the record, when I broke my back I was riding my seasoned (13 years) endurance horse. Freak accident.