The studies that say that they don't work are based on hanging them on halters. Because they are slow release, they depend on getting in contact with the skin and absorbing into the oils in the coat. They don't get that contact when hung on a halter. I braid mine in the mane where they come in contact with the neck. I will also braid one in the tail if I feel it is needed.
All of the proof I needed was when I first used them on my gelding with severe sweet itch. He got really bad one summer and he was missing most of the hair on his face, neck, chest, rear end and tail. Once I put a tag in his mane and one in his tail the bugs left him alone and he stopped itching. His hair started growing back in and I never had another problem as long as I kept the tags on him during bug season.
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2008 11:58:17 -0700 From: brncntry@xxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: [RC] pesticide ear tags To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Please post on how they work for keeping the flies away. One study I read says they don't show any appreciable effectiveness.
"Life is a canvas, throw a lot of paint on it" Danny Kaye (January 18, 1913 – March 3, 1987)
----- Original Message ---- From: Vickie Jensen Hogen <vjhogen@xxxxxxxxxxxx> To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 12:28:32 PM Subject: [RC] pesticide ear tags
There was a couple posts recently on using pestacide ear tags on horses. I went and asked the rancher next door if I could try a couple. So I have 4 tags here and would like some ideas on how to braid them into the mane. I thought I would try a couple different ways and see what works the best. If I can get them to stay for longer than a few days I will give them a try this summer..
thanks vickie hogen
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