[RC] Magnesium requirements - Naomi PrestonMagnesium requirements for the horse increase based on their
exercise level. The NRC guidelines show the following requirements for
.105g/kg of bodyweight
light exercise
moderate exercise .023
heavy exercise .03
Translation: A 1000 lb. horse weighs 455 kg (1 kg =
2.2 lbs.). A 1000 lb horse at heavy exercise would require 13.7
grams of magnesium per day. The average grass pasture &
grass hay analyzed last year by Dairy One labs had
approximately 0.9 grams of magnesium/lb. of hay or pasture. So if
you're feeding 20 lbs of hay per day, your horse would be getting 18
grams of magnesium, or 31% more than the NRC guidelines for a
horse getting heavy exercise.
According to the Dynamite website, the Easy Boy product contains 1.3
grams of magnesium per oz. They recommend 1-2 oz. per day.
My personal opinion, if your horse is eating lots of hay/pasture, it
doesn't appear that they'd need extra magnesium. However, under
extremely heavy exercise, like an endurance competition, their requirements
for magnesium increase, and if they're not great eaters, they could possibly
need some additional magnesium.
An analysis of your hay or pasture is a good idea before you start
adding supplements, and you can find out how to do this from your local
Extension office.
Naomi Preston