[RC] Breast Collar / Australian Connection needs your help - Antuzzi, Char
I am sending
this out on behalf of Janet and Ray, Owners of the store. It seems that a breast
collar was left behind on a training ride they did a week ago. Janet said they
were at Sterling Point and some how the collar was left behind. This particular
breast plate can no longer be purchased, they don't make them any longer.
Janet is willing to give someone a BRAND NEW breast plate, color of your choice
if you either have found the breast plate that is missing and would like to
return it (no questions asked) or have one that is just like it and no longer
use it. The MIA plate is a YELLOW TIE DYE Biothane material. I
offered up one of my purple dead head breast collars, but she
wants yellow. You all know its not if we finish a ride but rather
how we look while riding. So here is a chance to get a new breast plate.
All you have to do is find a yellow tie dye biothane (in good shape) breast
collar and call Janet at Australian Connection