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Re: [RC] [RC] Renting vehicles for Tevis - Maryben Stover

When we rented vehicles for the world championship in Front Royal, Virginia, I bet there was a new question added to the car rental application.  Do you have anything to do with horses?  If the answer was yes, no car.
The Spanish team took the back seats out of their SUV and of course it rained all day and the seats were sitting out in the open.  Wonder how they explained that.
We were crewing for Rio and he did not like to be cold.  All our blankets got wet at lunch so at the next check we left the blankets spread out over the seats and left the car running with the heater on high.  It worked.  Rio stayed warm and won the ride.
Then there was all the hay that was transported in the trunks. 

The car rental companies are probably still talking about it..................mb

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 8:48 AM, Paul <Paul@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Chip,
Don't you remember that we rented a Jeep Liberty last year? That was the car we had Dovie Pickering driving. It was a good size for crewing. I rented it at Reno. Seems like I had to sign something about not doing any off road driving with it:-)  I asked them to more specifically define off road,  and asked them would it be ok if the road was Federally maintained?  I think they thought I meant I-80, but I was thinking more about the US Forestry roads into Robie Park. They said sure Federally maintained roads were fine. ..  Hint:.. Run it through a cheap car wash the day before you bring it back. Gets a lot of the dust off it.
I am pretty sure it was 2 wheel drive, but the ground clearance and interior storage room made it work really well.  They will have them in Sacramento. With higher fuel prices, SUV rentals should be down and they should offer a lower rate on it. Seems like we got 20 something MPG's with it
My back is getting better, but I haven't been on a horse in four weeks. That doesn't stop bouts of Tevis fever though. I'm gonna miss the Old Dominion but hope to be ready for the Vermont 100.
Have fun out there and help Debbie Parsons get through it. Next year is your turn!!!!
Paul N. Sidio

RE: [RC] Renting vehicles for Tevis, Paul