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From: bigcreekranch@xxxxxxxxxxxx To: Trailrite@xxxxxxx; rides2far@xxxxxxxx; ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: [RC] Married couples in endurance Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 09:20:24 -0700
I find this observation incredible.
Imagine a woman who cannot get dirty, muss her hair, break a fingernail
or must be waited on.
After I get through working cattle, imagine the
mess...and it isn't all just dirt. :-))
I figure I don't care how messy I get, as long
as I can take a bath and get clean afterwards. It's a sad commentary on
our lives today. Such women would never make it from the Midwest to
California on a wagon. A little dirt and discomfort is good for
us...makes us appreciate the conveniences we do have.
I have also notice that not only women have problems with finding a
husband, but also men have a problem finding a wife or girl friend that wants
to enjoy this sport. Most of what I hear from guys is that most women
these days don't want to get dirty, break a nail, and have NO room
Tammy Robinson Trail-Rite Products 18171 Lost
Creek Road Saugus, CA 91390 661/513-9269 office 661/713-3912
cell 661/513-9206 fax www.trail-rite.com
In a message dated 6/4/2008 9:02:40 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
rides2far@xxxxxxxx writes:
How to
choose the perfect Endurance Husband". I'm one for one on that.