Re: [RC] [RC] How do I feed 900 lb square bales? - ladurgin
I don't have the square, but I feed round bales that size.
A hayring is best to protect it.Because most horses will get about halfway through a roundbale , then trample and strew it around ( some do it for fun)and then poop and pee an d sleep on it. They can treat it like a bunch of kids around a big mattress.
If you don't have a ring, if you could put it against something or in a corner that may protect it some.
Also depending on how many horses you have and how much they eat. My 4 1/2 eat it in a week . So it doesn't go bad. However if it rains on it all day I may go fluff it the next dry day or so , so the bottom isn't packed down and begins to get hot.
If you only have one or two horses. You will probably need to protect it.
I store bales for months under tarps. With certain conditions; First find a good spot,not in a hole, high ground. On gravel or timbers or something to get it off the ground. (I don't do this , because I only lose about 2-4 inches on the bottom) take some kind of contianer like Tide bottles, old paint cans, etc. Tie some haystring. Elctric fence rope whatever, make anchors .(tie two cans together with enough rope to almost touch the ground) ONe for the front of the tarp and one for the back half. This is usually enough to hold the tarp. You may have to hold the fronts down if here is wind whip with other anchors or logs. Leave some space around the bottom of the bale open for ventilation. This is important.
You may have to peel some off daily , if you feed it that way. This is possible with a round bale as it is bound in layers.If yours is in layers find the EASIEST way to place it to do this. I don't like doing this for 4 1/2 horses, because you are talking about 100 lbs of hay a day and it is itchy and gets in my eyes an clothes and itches terribly. You can move it aound on a tarp or a wheelbarrow if you dont' have a cart or tractor.
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