I’d be curious to know what else these horses had in
common…was their selenium level checked? And it’s important to
remember that an endurance horse needs to be closer to .25-.30 and not just
within the range of normal, which is .05 to .50. Had they been getting any
grain, were they mares, very fit, in season, done a big ride a couple weeks
prior to the tie-up and then put on rest? Were they getting an adequate for
endurance horses vit E & selenium
supplement? Can you find out any of these details?
My daughter’s horse had a major tie-up several weeks
ago. It was terrible! She is now 3 weeks post event and still has
elevated enzymes. Several people emailed me and said their horses had
tie-up episodes while on Ultium. Please post to the list your findings
as others are experiencing this problem too. My prayers are with you,