Re: [RC] [RC] Texas Bluebonnet Results? AKA The Weird Thing About Doing 100's - Katrina Mosshammer
Mercy did look good. Lisa and Chris came finished
at about the same time Ann and the Jrs. came in for their last vet check. I saw
Lisa trot and Einstein looked great too. I somehow missed Chris' trot out. I
believe Lisa was second and Chris was third. funny story...Donna, Kristin, and I
were sitting together and talking when we saw Chris walk from the pavilion down
towards the pond and we figured she was leaving on the last loop. So when Lisa
asked us where Chris was we told she had already left and that she should be
able to catch up with her. Then about a minute after Lisa left here comes Chris
asking about Lisa, we said she's trying to catch up with you. LOL So we were
imagining Lisa trying to chase down Chris and Chris running after saying "Wait
for Me!". (crew has to do something to stay awake )
The last rider to finish was the woman from New
Mexico. Interesting story about that too. I was waiting up for Ann and the Jrs.
to finish when this woman came in for her last vet check. She had about 2.5
hrs to do the last 10 miles and she was determined to finish. She left out and
everything got really quiet and everyone was snoozing in their chairs. I was
really trying hard to stay awake and thought I saw some kind of animal creeping
down by the woods but could really see well enough to tell what it was. I really
started seeing things in the woods an hour later. I was wishing so hard to see
Santana's grey face peek out of the woods that I started seeing "ghosts" in the
trees. Then Ann and the girls came in and while we were taking care of them when
we see this light coming through the woods from where the trail left camp not
where it came back into camp. Here comes this woman from New Mexico and we are
wondering if she just decided there wasn't enough time or what...She comes
trotting in with her dog following. She said when her crew went back to the
trailer he must have gotten out and a couple miles down the trail she noticed
him following her so she turned around and brought him back to camp. ( that was
the critter I saw earlier so I wasn't imagining everything I saw LOL) She
lost at least 30 min coming back. We were headed to the trailer while she was
putting up the dog so we didn't know if she had gone back out or not. I'm glad
to see that she did and was still able to finish in time.
Subject: Re: [RC] [RC] Texas Bluebonnet Results? AKA The Weird Thing
About Doing 100's
Yes, Darolyn and Mercy won and BCed...I heard Mercy looked really
good. That is a very nice little mare...I like the way she's put
together. Chris Lewis and Lisa Skalski came in 2nd and 3rd (not sure who
was 2nd, who was 3rd; they were together). Anyone know who the stalwart
was who finished at 5:29? Good for them for sticking it out and that's endurance!!!! Bear and I finished our first 100
there at 5:10 in 2006, and I thought our record for long would stand for
years, but I think someone broke it the very next year.
Ann Goolsby took a bad fall and pulled RO with a bruised back and
neck; Kris Anderson pulled RO or RO-M with a tired horse and inverted CRI with 2
loops left. Todd H. (he's already posted) pulled with his mare having a
mild colic that quickly resolved (whew). Not sure of the other
Congrats to everyone who completed and to those who gave it a good try as
well. I hope to be back with y'all next year!
Dawn Carrie (who made it through the 50 on double doses of