[RC] Ride trick to try re: feed/H20 - Ranelle Rubin
Just want to mention something that I have mentioned before, but some of you may not have read this before. Sorry if I offend those who have, but when I hear of metabolic issues regarding gut sounds and colic, I have to speak up. I am sure most of you have seen your horse really go for the hay floating on top of the water tank at a vet check, yes? Well, I got an idea from this and started something a few years ago that has really supported my horse well at rides.
I take whatever mash/concentrate/beet pulp I am giving him and cover it with water so there are about 3-4 inches of water above the mash after it absorbs the initial water (add more water if needed). For vet checks back at camp, the mash is soaking while we are out riding and I add enough water when I get in to allow room for hay. Then I put hay into that wonderful tasting water sitting on top of his mash. What happens is he eats a bunch of water soaked hay first, then gets to his mash. I watch it and add more hay as he finishes the initial hay, then start mixing in the mash by pulling it up into the wet hay.
I started doing it after long training rides a few weeks ago so he is used to it again for this season.
When I was crewing for 4 horses last Sat at the American River Ride, I did this for a few horses who didn't want their moistened hay and their riders were concerned. They went for it immediately, eating mouthfuls of wet hay. In the vet line, a rider was concerned that her horse was not eating, so I grabbed a handful of the wet hay off the top of the bucket I was holding and her horse wolfed it down..great tasting wet hay!
In my particular case, I also squirt a small amount of DynaSpark (E-lytes from Dynamite that is in a liquid form) into this "soup"..another way to trickle their E-lytes into them along the way. There is molasses in the DynaSpark, so of course that encourages them too! Whatever E-lytes you are using, you might even put a bit of molasses into the water. The added glucose won't hurt your horse either with the calories they are burning on a ride.
On a long loop on a ride with a water and hay stop out on the trail, I will sometimes carry a small ziplock of the grain concentrate I use (like a cup full) and create this same thing in a small amt..either in my scoop, or in a small feed bucket I carry. Alot of times, I will just grab a handful of the hay off the top of the water tank, throw it into my scoop with a squirt of DynaSpark and more water..my horse loves it! If you want to do this, try mixing some molasses and water in a travel squirt bottle and carry it on your saddle.
So, if you like this idea, try it after your next long training ride..and get back to me!
Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway. ~ John Wayne