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[RC] Like Flat Track Racing????? - k s swigart

Maryanne Gabbanni said:

Living in one of those underdeveloped countries, you
can have all the classes available in the world, but if
you have set up the expectation that endurance racing
is a way of making money like in flat track racing, ...

I don't know what flat track racing is like in underdeveloped countries,
but around these parts flat track racing isn't considered a way of
making money.  Sure, there are a handful of people making money playing
the low level claiming game, but flat track racing is well recognized as
a way to SPEND money, not make it.

There IS a reason that it is called "The Sport of Kings"...because kings
(and other ridiculously wealthy people who don't have to worry about
where their money comes from) are the only ones who can afford to play.

Of course, you are spending it on paying jockeys, trainers, farriers,
vets, grooms....

So, some of these people are making money off of race horse owners.  But
few of them are very well paid, so they aren't making MUCH money.

Orange County, Calif.


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