I think the stuff Marirose was thinking of is
called Nature's Miracle. Stuff works great. My male diabetic cat
peed right through his cardboard carrier on the way to the vet all over
the floor of my car. The carpeting was soaked and it smelled BAD. I
bought a gallon of Nature's Miracle and poured it over the whole area
(you have to really saturate wherever the pee went) and let it dry.
The smell was completely gone. I was pretty impressed. Good luck!
Marirose Six wrote:
I found something at Pet Smart that really worked. I had
cats spraying on my winter blanket rack one year. I just sprayed it on
very thick & let dry. Took the smell away. (I'll admit, I didn't
stick my nose into the fabric, but I couln't smell the odor when I
walked into the barn like I had.) The bad news: I don't remember the
name. It was in a white spray bottle & was specific for removing
cat spray odors.
looking for a product to get "cat odor" out of the mattress in my LQ.
I remember seeing a post from someone about something that works, I
searched the archives, but nothing came up. If anyone knows please let
me know.