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[RC] Melaka - from Bev Gray - Steph Teeter

It was a very long and cold winter (training in a snowboard half pipe) I was anxious to retrieve my
summer cloths and travel to Melaka, Malaysia and ride the Malaysia International Endurance Event.
My Malaysia Air flight was not completely full, but still no place to stretch out and sleep. Only fourteen
hours later was a stop in Taipai. Great, I'll check out the duty free area (can't go anywhere else as a
transit passenger). It's a treat to check out all the chocolates, fruits, nuts and packaged legs of whatever.
I bought a safe can of macadamia nuts. Livin' Wild!
Back on the plane with the outbound view of the airport and aircraft; Dragon Air, China Air, Macau Air etc.
On to Kuala Lumpur. What a difference the the airline food is loaded from Taipai as opposed to LAX:
fresh watermelon, pineapple, papaya, Tai Chicken with vegetables and white wine (it's 10 am, oh but,
7pm in Utah) OK.
Early history of Kuala Lumpur is surrounded by the tin industry. Tin in the 1850's and was its own
Malaysian gold rush. The tin mines were up the Gomback estuary, which established the early city and
crowned its fascinating name - Kuala Lumpur or "Muddy Estuary" in Malay. Certainly, it had
its' own "Days of 47" Tin Rush. Gun fights, brothels, gambling and opium dens flourished. Hey,
I like nostalgic history. Independence Day from British Rule came in 1974.
The KL International airport is modern, beautiful, efficient and surrounded by Malaysian friendly hospitality.
The airport walkway floor to ceilings was a tropical rain forest. But where is baggage claim? The attendant pointed
to a train thru the glass window. The "baggage claim" train was modern and sleek and seconds to
the main terminal. And, with no lines or hassles I was greeted to Malaysia with a stamp of my visa
in my passport. And, my luggage was there!!! Bravo, luggage bar codes. ( I did work as a travel agent,
therefore my apprehension)
I was advised that I would be met at the airport. The greeting area was filled with a swarm of floating
signs- this hotel, that hotel and the very polite "taxi madam?". Oh no ....not a sign for Madam Beverly Gray,
except with two uniformed police officers. Oh right, my escorts.
Steph, Bev two cappuchinos and Malaysia 50 squad flew down the freeway, mach speed with lights and
sirens to our lane whenever we needed to pass(we were either important, sure felt it, or some kind of emergency.)
The Everly Resort hotel is located on the beach. Steph and I opened our door to the view. Whoa, shut
off the air-conditioner (I didn't bring my snow-mobile suit)
But, how long have I been up and going?
Let's go to town an find a restaurant. (Why does you appetite increase when you travel)
Off to old town Jonker Street- tiny shops decorated with lanterns, colorful lights and
smiling face of the Chinese Restaurant proprietor like she was expecting us. The menu was so
diverse: chicken this and that, fish everything, beef unbelievable and,not to forget, chinese ostrich, squid,
ling long, ding dong and sponge bob. Our hostess reminded us not to order TOO much. Well all right then; Tiger beer,
grilled butter shrimp, grilled vegetables and fish soup bowl. I devoured it. The only item we didn't eat was the
bowl of chopped seeded red peppers (not enough beer on the table for that!)
The warm, humid night air doesn't help with digesting food. The beckoning sign across the cobblestone street
beckoned us......LA,La, La health center. OK, a few hours here and I still can't pronounce (correctly) the Malaysian
words. But, I did recognized "foot massage". Steph said "I've never done this" Hah, lets go!
The therapists names were "Number 6" and "Number 8" (Dr Suess) Fifty minutes in a big Lazy Boy recliner
and soaking feet in warm tea bag water, lotions, oils and the soothing foot massage. (Do feet have muscle knots?)
We thanked #6 and #8 and dragged ourselves outside with newly revived feet but the rest of the body
screamed for a taxi.
Already I know that I'm not staying long enough in the wonderful place! The magic of Lost!


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