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Re: [RC] [RC] Uveitis anyone.....? - Dawn CarrieYou need to be very aggressive in treating this. The "between" times, when you didn't notice your horse squinting, he likely still had uveitis. It comes and goes in terms of flareups. Your vet can see by examining the eye with his scope. We have a Paso gelding who had it. We treated him 2-3 times a day with an ointment with steroid (can't remember the name, I'm not at home now. It took a good month after *all* visible signs disappeared for our vet to declare him 90% clear when examined with his scope. One of the big causes of uveitis is infection with lepto. Early on, our vet withdrew fluid directly from the eye to test for it, and Twigs was positive. A few months later, after the above-described treatment, he injected antibiotics (I beleive it was gentamycin) directly into the back of the eye. That was last fall, and there's been no recurrence of the uveitis. Prior to the antibiotic injection, he would have flareups every month or 6 weeks, which we'd have to treat. This disease can blind a horse.
Dawn Carrie, Texas
On 4/8/08, ladurgin@xxxxxxx <ladurgin@xxxxxxx> wrote: