This last Saturday I got us out of mothballs and went to on a trailride up and over a local Ga. Mtn. Neither of us have been on a trailride with others for about 5 years. We have done no riding of note alone for 2 years moving, family stuff. Rascal has only trailridden maybe 5 times with horses that are strangers , we mostly rode alone. So I figured he needed some more exposure to groups.
He was in full winter coat just starting to shed, barefoot, fat, and only exercise has been turnout-- so I figured how much trouble could he give me?
There were 27 horses, I tried to get there early and ride, but no luck we got there after hubby adjusting trailer ,just the last minute. Someone waited for me and I explained we were both out of shape and he hasn't been around other horses much trailriding.
We rode to catch up with the others which didn't take long. They were on a walking ride.
This ride was over a local mountain, along some gravel roads and then they also rode on an asphalt road, at which I did a dismount when I heard a motorcycle, he has been around cars, but is not been trained to ride on roads- I walked on foot till they turned off. i am not used to polite cars,just ones that try to scare you.
Anyway, I should have put a red ribbion in his tail, so he was given space. He has never kicked anyone in 9 years I owned him. But I knew he was concerned about horses coming up behind him.When we showed a bit, he seemed concerned, but they didn't ride up on his butt. Even though I spent my time concentrated on him and him not getting on others butts,(when he got real close, the other horses didn't seem to care --though I tried to back him off)--- but I felt him maybe buck a bit or something-- and I yelled at him to quit. a rider behind said,"sorry I guess I got too close".It happened again later. I asked if he was bucking or kicking I couldn't tell which. The man said ," it looks like he was getting ready to double barrel me". The 3rd time I saw his ears tightly swivel backward (up in the air , but tuned backwards and he started to turn his head and give a look , I have seen our old tb give if he tried to pass him-- I swatted him on the neck and said "quit".
Now I was very busy watching him and riding the whole time-- but everyone near me didn't seem to pay much attention to giving a horse length between or anything. At some of the creek crossings or switchbacks, and downhills people were right up on each others butts . I stopped him a couple times to let the horses in front get some distance before crossing creeks and stuff. Some horses were jumping bad footing and were pretty awkward... He is good at this stuff so I usually give a loose rein and he finds the best terrain and crossing.
There were 2 teens riding bareback with ipods, they fell off at some of these switchbacks and stuff.(they also galloped across a asphalt road, scary)(mental note to self not to ride near them).
Everyone was pretty orderly, just alot of quiet Qh types. There were 3 arabs including mine who did the arab jig thing.
I figured a few rides up and over this mountain at a walk might help him with groups.
This was up and down a mountain with mud and rocks, sometimes with dropoffs on one side--- he did look up with some concern when the riders were up on the switchback above our heads about 40 feet. He's never seen horse and riders above his head before.... but was ok with it.
I think we did about 10-12 miles - rode about 3.5 hours, 75% walk, 25% jig.Which is much better than his old 12 miles jigging.
I said I couldn't decide if the ride was a sucess or failure. I was disapointed he reacted , still not sure if he actual kicked out---
I know now I should have and will put a red ribbion in his tail . I was on a trail with a dropoff so I couldn't do a whole lot. He was stopped behind a horse because there was some stopping and waiting going on, and the other horse get too close and I guess he was afraid?He is now #1 horse after being #2 for years--since the #1 died.
Otherwise it was good, --he did try to "move up" if horses left an opening, he so likes to go to the front....
Anyway at least it is a start. First time trailering alone, New trail for us, new riders and he did pretty good, except for the hoppy/maybe gonna kick thing. He hasn't been on an unknown trail in years.
What does a kick feel like?From a riders perspective? I just felt like he bounced or something. He has only done tiny bucks with me twice in 9 years, both times I had on a harsher bits. I figured out not to use that kind of head gear. He may have bucked because he felt trapped or he may have been trying to warn off the horse behind him.And funny thing , it was the horse we followed out that he was trying to put his head on.
I did stop him from tryiing to smell butts. He tried to smell noses and butts a couple times, but I stopped him.
My husband did ask if I had fun, I thought about it and said ,"well I was real busy". I didn't talk to anyone much cause I was too busy watching him and trying to teach him some group manners, and trying to keep some kind of distance, and protect him from the horse or two that gave him a dirty looks.
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