Boy, as usual this is timely. I just bought a new bag of BP and when I opened it I noticed that there were some "pellet" looking things in there. Odd as I buy the shreds. My brand is the Bar Ale and has no added molassas at all. Worked great.
But now I'm concerned as someone on RC mentioned that at a tail run of a processed batch there can be other things in there. Leads me to think maybe I should get another bag? I was a little suspicious seeing other things in there but for the most part it looks clean otherwise.
Hummm..anyway, I used to purchase another brand of BP but the molassas amount was way to heavy for my horses. Even rinsing it I could still smell the molassas. The Bar Ale brand seems pretty good and horses have done fine with it.
Glad or these topics as makes you take a closer look at what we purchase.