Here is the definition for consideration for inclusion in the AERC
HOF: Hall of Fame:
2 categories -- Equine and Member -- honoring their lifetime
achievements by recognizing outstanding performances or outstanding
contributions to the sport or to AERC. Nominations are made by ballots
submitted by members to the Hall of Fame Committee. This award is kept
secret until the annual Awards Banquet.
While opinions will certainly vary over this issue, there should be
no disagreement as to whether Anne Nicholson qualifies under this
definition. She certainly does. Many in the Eastern US may not know
her, but we often aren't familiar with other regionally well known
names either. The candidates are nominated by letter, with
substantiating reasons and anecdotes for the HOF committee to consider.
The HOF committee members make the final choice based on what
information is submitted to them.
Bruce Weary