I've just purchased a Hi-Tie. After spending two years evaluating
Dezi's "at-the-trailer" personality, I've found he's soooo happy to be on a
high-tie that they have at our state parks. One time last year, the ride
was at a private farm, and I found a tree with a big branch extending out, and
tied him to that. If he's tied to the trailer, he pulls and paws and frets
all night. I would not trust him in a pen. So, my choice of a
Hi-Tied comes after a lot of careful observatioin of what he's happy with.
My other horse, Cheers, was fine in any situation. The two are
opposites....Cheers was the perfect horse at camp and the devil's spawn to
ride....Dezi is a prima donna in camp, but sweet and laid-back on the
trail. Any chance of cloning their combined genetic maps to get the
perfect horse???