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[RC] Requests for Letters - Crysta TurnageThis comes from another list I'm on but I received permission to cross-post here as well. Her name is Susan and she is going to be walking 300 miles across some of the most remote parts of New Mexico. She would love any and all letters!
Hi all, On my walk in April I will be stopping at three schools to talk about my adventure and to encourage the kids to get outside. I don't know what it's like where you live, but here I have met too many kids who don't know what it is to have dreams. Without dreams, we tend to despair. I'm trying to do my part, but I feel that one voice is not enough. Therefore, I'm asking for your help, which being the independent person that I am does not come easily for me. I'm trusting you. As you may or may not know, I'll be walking a path that echoes an ancient trade route. It seems appropriate that I carry messages from one location to the next, in the manner of the old messengers. My messages will be in a pack on my back. I'd like you to write the messages. They can be very simple, but should be on one or all of the topics below: 1. What do you like to do outside? 2. What's one of your best outdoor adverntures? 3. What do you do outside with your family now or what did you do with your family when you were young? One page is best, two pages maximum. Please remember you are writing to grade schoolers - mostly 4th and 5th graders, but one entire school is going to share all the letters they receive (K-5). Please include what you do and where you live. If you want to include personal information such as how many kids you have, that's great too. Who doesn't love a real letter?! Make them fun and interesting, just not long. Once you've written the original letter, please print two more copies but each addressied to a different school. Here's how that should be: - for the 4th and 5th grade students at Sunrise Elementary, Las Cruces, NM - for the 4th graders at Mountainair Elementary, Mountainair, NM - for the Turquoise Trail Elementary School students, Santa Fe, NM You're right, I didn't give you the complete addresses. That's because I want you to send all three letters in one envelope to me. That way I'll put them in the pack and when the kids meet me and walk me into their school I'll have something to present to them. I've even planned this so they each have to write a letter on the same subjects as you do. Theirs will be presented in Santa Fe - probably to the mayor but possibly to the governor. My address is: Susan Reynolds P. O. Box 393 Hillsboro, NM 88042-0393 The sooner you send the letters, the better for me, but the absolute deadline is March 18. I'll be giving a presentation at Sunrise Elementary in either the 3rd or 4th week of March and would like to have the letters by then. Besides, if I get a great response from you all, then I'll have some leverage on my more reluctant officials. I can be that way ;- } Any questions? Get back to me and we'll get them sorted out. I think I've covered everything, but there's always that chance I've skipped something obvious. Thank you for this. The schools involved are quite different - one is in a city, one is a rural school and one is a charter school. I've been to the rural school twice before and the faculty, administration and kids are simply the best. They're not even right on my route, but close enough that I'm detouring to include them Your letters will be read and cherished. You'll be making a difference. And I, among many, am grateful. Many blessings, susan -- ~ Crysta "Those of us who finish near the back, make the rest of you look good."