Robie Park can be dusty and dirty. Even arriving
Friday AM before the ride will have everything you own, covered with dust and
dirt. (and you and your horse are breathing that stuff the whole time too!)
While it is a lovely area to camp among the pines, I have found no reason
personally to go up before Friday AM. When we do go, we always park facing
OUT, so at O'dark O'clock Saturday AM, as horses leave, and the rigs start
heading out, no backing of the rig is required for my crew. Just drive straight
out and go. Also, as others mentioned, too long at altitude before the
ride for a flatlander horse is not a plus.
Personally, we have stayed at the fairgrounds ahead
of the ride, and do some relaxed, short rides out from the fairgrounds along the
trail, and back in. The horse (and rider) then get to see some of the trail in
the daylight, that they will hopefully get to see during the ride in the
dark! There are some who set up corrals for their horses, but they are
usually near dirt roadways through the fairgrounds, and personally, they do
not look that relaxing to me. Also, Saturday night/Sunday AM, the vets and Tevis
board members walk the barns to check on the horses who were in the ride,
and make sure they all look fine. They may or may not check on those out in the
north 40 in a corral tucked behind a motorhome ;-) But, if that is what you
prefer, you can find some spots in a few of the dirt areas. Remember, the entry
fee and stall are the CHEAP part of this ride. The money for the stall is worth
it to me, for my horse to be safe and comfy.