I just got back from the AERC Convention and the
GAHR Reunion where after 32 years we again had the opportunity to meet
others from as far away as Australia, Germany, Canada and parts of the
It was a Loving remembrance of a summer we all
agreed was an experience of a lifetime. We decided that since we had so
much fun we're gonna do it again the next 29th of February. That date
sorta fits us.
But since there is this conversation of the
Icelandics, allow me to convey that there were 2 teams that finished in front of
me riding Icelandic Ponies. Count Johannes Hoyos of Austria in 13th place
and Walter Feldman of Germany in 21st place. These were some real good
ponies whose leasing was arranged by Linda Tellington-Jones.
Over dinner at the La Strada Italian
Restraunt w/ Walter and Curt Lewis, Walter told us he is going to Atlanta
for a 3 week Icelandic Seminar he was brought over for and arranged arround the
reunion. Walter has on his farm in Germany 300 Icelandics and has been
enamored by them since 76 even those his farm imported some Standardbreds, but
the ponies are his forte.
These ponies are tough, strong and willing and
there are stories i could tell of how they jumped picnik tables for
demonstrations during the GAHR.
Let me also say that Martha Post (who we have not
found and if anyone knows of her please contact us) rode POA's (Pony of America)
who was also in front of me in 26th place that should not be forgotten in this
conversation. ts