OK, so this makes me wonder. Fino horses have to have a great deal of heart and stamina to maintain that sewing machine gait. What if you took a horse with fino bloodlines and allow it to extend its gaits into the corto and largo? I bet they would make a nice endurance horse if they could cut loose.
I can understand not wanting a show bred TWH as they have bred in crooked front legs and a pacey gait so that they will make better big lick horses.
Iceys seem to be pretty well rounded. They just look like a blast to ride!!!
"In selecting a gaited horse (Ross has a second Paso he's bringing along), we look for the same things as in a non-gaited horse - good conformation, good substance, and good mind. And then on top of that, for Paso Finos, one does not want a "fino" horse - one of the Pasos with the very tight gait. One wants a horse with more of a largo, or extended gait. The "fino" horses are the ones you see in the show ring that look like sewing machines...legs going like crazy, but little forward progress.
Dawn Carrie, Texas"
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