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[RC] Presidents Cup - they're off! - Steph Teeter101 fresh, excited, prancing, beautiful horses just shot out of the starting gate. 5:45 Abu Dhabi time, still dark, a light fog, cool still, but it feels like it's going to be a hot one. USA - 2 riders - Meg Sleeper on Shirroco Troilus, shipped from USA, and Fred Emigh on a local horse . Here's the list of starting riders. The riders from France, Portugal, UK, Australia and USA shipped their own horses, the other foreign riders are riding 'local' horses. Portugal riders on shipped horses: Joao Raposo on Pipoca, Anglo Arab 10yr mare, Rui Pereira on Solero Tonecas on Cruzado, 8 yr gray stallion, Ana Margarita Costa on Piperino 14 yr gray gelding Great Britain: Liz Taylor o Falaina Bint Chatanz, 13yr gray arab mare Abigail Lockett on Delorto Zaranz, 17 yr bay gelding France: Philippe Thomas on Bara Park Bastien, 15 yr gray arab gelding Jean Philippe Frances on Hanaba Du Bois 12 yr arab mare Australia: Meg Wade on China Doll 12 yr gray part-arab mare Penny Toft on Elctra BBP Murdoch, 12 yr gelding (appaloosa!) Fausto Fiorucci is here riding a local horse - Kedjari Des Serres 9 yr saddle horse The race will be followed at http://.www.adec-web.com - follow the links to Endurance - Feb 17 - there will be pdf files update with gate info. http://www.adec-web.com/index.php?option=com_events&task=view_detail&agid=66 &year=2007&month=02&day=17&Itemid=24 - is the starters list in pdf Here's the list: Start_No Rider_Full_Name Rider_Nationality Horse Owner_Full_Name 5 Sh Majid bin Mohd Al Maktoum United Arab Emirates Kaysand Farrazah Sh Mohd bin Rashid Al Maktoum 8 Fausto Fiorucci Italy Castlebar Kadeen Al Aasfa Ltd 9 Sultan Ahmad Sultan bin Sulayem United Arab Emirates Hungares Al Aasfa Ltd 10 Ghulam Nadhar Mohd United Arab Emirates Kedjari Des Serres Al Aasfa Ltd 11 Sh Hazza bin Sultan Al Nahyan United Arab Emirates Ainhoa Hadliz Sh Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan 13 Ahmed Ali bin Harmash United Arab Emirates Ashraf Ibn Amir Sh Mohd bin Rashid Al Maktoum 14 Abdulla Ahmad Ali Al Subose United Arab Emirates Mossimo Sh Mohd bin Rashid Al Maktoum 15 Mansoor Ahmad Ali Al Subose United Arab Emirates Dunwingeri Maakhal Sh Mohd bin Rashid Al Maktoum 16 Dhahi Abdulla Khamis Al Dhahi United Arab Emirates Celsar Bay Dahl Al Aasfa Ltd 17 Naser Abdulla Mohd Al Marzouqi United Arab Emirates Faruk Sh Mohd bin Rashid Al Maktoum 18 Omar Khalifa Obaid Al Marri United Arab Emirates Matta Mia Larry Sh Mohd bin Rashid Al Maktoum 20 Omair Husain Abdulla Al Bloushi United Arab Emirates Al Barak Al Reef Stables 21 Jesus Manuel Berna Spain Risco Moreno Al Reef Stables 22 Yousef Ahmed Al Bloushi United Arab Emirates Jibbah Enog Al Reef Stables 23 Khalid Abdul Rahim Al Hammadi United Arab Emirates Titanium Al Reef Stables 24 Yousif Abdullah Al Hammadi United Arab Emirates Whyneemah Jaspah Al Reef Stables 25 Mohammad Jasem Rahimi United Arab Emirates Shiranna Bokhara Al Reef Stables 26 Mohd Ibrahim Al Hammadi United Arab Emirates Maramanup Sunrise Al Reef Stables 27 Dalpat Singh Ganpat Singh India Hillbrae Classic Al Reef Stables 30 Madan Singh Mod Singh India Sashy Al Reef Stables 31 Mohan Singh Kan Singh India Toreador Al Reef Stables 32 Hamood Obaid Al Hameeri United Arab Emirates Carallio Al Reef Stables 33 Ali Husain Al Baloushi United Arab Emirates Ningadoo Baqi Al Reef Stables 34 Bheru Singh Inda India Al Galahn Al Reef Stables 35 Mohd Aslam Hidayat Khan India Jon De Le Obsession Al Reef Stables 36 Hamoud Humaid Al Junaibi United Arab Emirates Delta Moon Shine Al Reef Stables 37 Sh Abdullah bin Faisal Al Qasimi United Arab Emirates Torryburn Legacy of Fire Sh Faisal bin Saqr Al Qasimi 38 Hafiz Zar Mahfooz Mohd Safdar Pakistan Castlebar Gizzmo Sh Faisal bin Saqr Al Qasimi 39 Carmen Romer Netherlands Kaysand Farrah Sh Faisal bin Saqr Al Qasimi 40 Aslam Khan Asgar Khan India Supreme Dream Emirates Stables 41 Abdul Hakim Mahboob Khan India Shed Emirates Stables 42 Antonio Moreno Spain Bantu De Zamaglia Emirates Stables 43 Nestar Eduardo Falero Uruguay Aloha Juror Emirates Stables 44 Miguel Agustin Gastambide Uruguay Parlour Mountain Pioneer Emirates Stables 45 Mohd Ahmad Ali Al Subose United Arab Emirates Bet Shean Emirates Stables 46 Pio Juan Miguel Olascoaga Amaya Uruguay EO Kitaba Emirates Stables 47 Ceinwen Morgan Australia Coral Reef Emirates Stables 48 Stephane Chazel France Idem Du Faubourg Emirates Stables 49 Ana Lia Mendez Argentina Reflejo Emirates Stables 51 Adrian Edison Rodriguez Uruguay Ismayla D Escaline Juma s Team S.L. 52 Jaume Punti Dachs (Juma) Spain Julius de la Dromme Juma s Team S.L. 53 Maria Alvarez Ponton Spain Nobby Juma s Team S.L. 54 Beatriz Muriel Argentina Fino Juma s Team S.L. 55 Salem Rashed bin Ghadayer United Arab Emirates Dalton Du Capimont Sh Hamdan bin Mohd Al Maktoum 56 Khalifa bin Ghalaita United Arab Emirates El Estande Sh Hamdan bin Mohd Al Maktoum 57 Ahmed Mohd Al Marri United Arab Emirates Dell Hama Sh Hamdan bin Mohd Al Maktoum 58 Kimberley Dean Great Britain Kishon Zeal Sh Hamdan bin Mohd Al Maktoum 59 Abdul Hafiz Jameel Al Turkomani Saudi Arabia Glenmore Adonis Sh Hamdan bin Mohd Al Maktoum 60 Yousif Ali Taher Bahrain Kishon Meleisha Sh Hamdan bin Mohd Al Maktoum 61 Abdulla Essa Mohd Al Buziri United Arab Emirates Kazkade Sh Hamdan bin Mohd Al Maktoum 62 Shahin Mohd Juma bin Ghalaita United Arab Emirates Hermes De Ray Sh Hamdan bin Mohd Al Maktoum 63 Hassan Abdulla Yousef Al Hammadi United Arab Emirates Domino Al Wathba Stables 64 Marzooq Salem Al Marri United Arab Emirates Zawbaca Al Wathba Stables 65 Ali Khalfan Al Jahouri United Arab Emirates Cupid Al Wathba Stables 66 Hukam Singh Chatur Singh India Bashaar Al Wathba Stables 67 Matar Ghanim Musfer Al Mansoori United Arab Emirates Vigar Riffal Sh Mohd bin Rashid Al Maktoum 68 Ahmed Seghayer Kanoon Al Yaradeh United Arab Emirates Bint La Ish Sh Rashid bin Hamdan Al Maktoum 69 Hassan bin Ali United Arab Emirates Arkab Jamil Sh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum 70 Mohd Hilal Salem Obaid Al Balarti United Arab Emirates Classy Sh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum 71 Rashed Mohd Al Sayegh United Arab Emirates Mahaeyl Sh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum 73 Yahya Sughayer Kanoon Al Ajtabi United Arab Emirates Iktarah Kemosabi Sh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum 74 Hamad Ibrahim Abdulla Al Marzouqi United Arab Emirates Jaad Hem Emirates Heritage Club 75 Abdulla Rashid Mohd Saeed Al Naqbi United Arab Emirates Cardenal Emirates Heritage Club 76 Shuaib Saeed Ahmed Al Houqani United Arab Emirates Mariposa Emirates Heritage Club 77 Sheikha Madiya Hasher Mana Al Maktoum United Arab Emirates Solid Asa Rock Sh Mohd bin Rashid Al Maktoum 78 Brenda Cooke Canada CR Goinfor Broke Sh Mohd bin Rashid Al Maktoum 79 Frederick Moser Emigh United States Make A Wish Sh Mohd bin Rashid Al Maktoum 79 Frederick Moser Emigh United States Benhan Waratha Sh Mohd bin Rashid Al Maktoum 80 Mansour Ibrahim Ali Al Salman United Arab Emirates Naja bint Kemada Sh Rashid bin Mohd Al Maktoum 81 Thani Mohd Al Muhairi United Arab Emirates Wood Bourne Kimba Sh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum 82 Salem Mohd Al Sabousi United Arab Emirates Fenwick Cadenza Sh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum 83 Ali Mohd Al Muhairi United Arab Emirates Karabil Narmar Sh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum 84 Sh Juma Dalmook J. Al Maktoum United Arab Emirates Windvale Musician Sh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum 85 Shakeer Malik Bahader United Arab Emirates Abrock Horatio Sh Rashid bin Mohd Al Maktoum 88 Ahmed Salem Al Hammadi United Arab Emirates Allira Park Taurian Al Reef Stables 89 Mohd Yousuf Al Hammadi United Arab Emirates Gato Al Reef Stables 90 Abdulla Thani bin Huzaim United Arab Emirates Spenda Crest Kanolflage Sh Mohd bin Rashid Al Maktoum 91 Majed Mohd Salman Al Sabri United Arab Emirates Zakah Zahara Sh Mohd bin Rashid Al Maktoum 92 Anna Williams Great Britain Coihuinca Sh Mohd bin Rashid Al Maktoum 93 Salman Ali Al Sabri United Arab Emirates Notion Sh Mohd bin Rashid Al Maktoum 94 Bader Ali Saeed Al Kayoumi United Arab Emirates El Leche Sh Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan 95 Sultan Ahmed Al Baloushi United Arab Emirates Torryburn Countess Sh Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan 98 Ahmed Ali Abdulla Jamoh Al Yahyaei United Arab Emirates Cristal de Suleiman Sh Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan 99 Mubarak Mohd Khalfan Al Khaili United Arab Emirates ZT Faraventure Sh Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan 100 Ahmed Khadem Mubarak Al Hameli United Arab Emirates Nadja Lotoise Sh Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan 101 Chain Singh Mod Singh India To be announced Un known 102 Raghuveer Hem Singh India To be announced Un known 103 Waheed Murad Ali Murad Pakistan To be announced Un known 105 Margaret Wade Australia China Doll [AUS] Margaret Wade 106 Penny Toft Australia Electra BBP Murdoch Peter Toft 107 Pascale Dietsch France Denoura Du Barthas Martine Mege 108 Jean Philippe Frances France Hanaba Du Bois Gilles Arphour 109 Philippe Thomas France Bara Park Bastien Philippe Tomas 110 Liz Taylor Great Britain Falaina Bint Chatanz Liz Taylor 111 Abigail Lockett Great Britain Delorto Zaranz Abigail Lockett 112 Chiara Rosi Italy Caramelo Ruben Parra 113 Patrizia Giacchero Italy Jerana De Lux Gabriella Berdone 114 Ana Margarida Costa Portugal Piperino Jose Manuel Costa 115 Joao Raposo Portugal Quinza Joao Raposo 116 Rui Pereira Portugal Solero Tonecas Rui Brasao 117 Abel Fernandez Diaz Spain Altares Abel Fernandez Diaz 118 Jordi Arboix Santacreu Spain Atiklan Alex Luque 119 Margaret Sleeper United States Shyrocco Troilus Margaret Sleeper 120 Susan Summers United States Mags Motivator Susan Summers 127 spare horse Beyers Sh Mohd bin Rashid Al Maktoum 128 spare horse Razorback Hot Chilli Al Reef Stables 129 spare horse El Hadzin Deleyre Al Reef Stables 130 spare horse Rivendell Sharman Al Reef Stables 131 spare horse Mahazin Moonshine Al Reef Stables 132 spare horse Haruko Du Somail Al Reef Stables 133 spare horse Sari Bint Bandarina Al Reef Stables 134 spare horse Estaban Al Reef Stables 135 spare horse Aztec Sh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum 136 spare horse Garaman Mikado Sh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum 137 spare horse Mobasher Sh Mohd bin Rashid Al Maktoum 138 spare horse Aigoual Safouen Sh Mohd bin Rashid Al Maktoum 139 spare horse Deen Sh Hamdan bin Mohd Al Maktoum 140 spare horse Hume Creek Komanche Sh Hamdan bin Mohd Al Maktoum 141 spare horse Cloud Valley Armani Sh Faisal bin Saqr Al Qasimi 142 Joyce Corbett Australia Reeflex Joyce Corbett 143 Brook Sample Australia Brookleigh Excalibur Un known 144 Rebecca Arnold Germany To be announced Un known 145 Stefanie Arnold Germany To be announced Un known =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net. Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp Subscribe/Unsubscribe http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/logon.asp Ride Long and Ride Safe!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=