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[RC] Horse question... - sherman

Every horse is different, Elly. I recently put an 8 yr old Arab under
saddle and he will only very rarely spook, and if I'm alert enough to
the trail and put a little opposite leg on him, he won't spook at all.
He's never bucked or refused to go anywhere I point & click. Before I
started riding him, I used to walk him around our 3 mile road. He gave
some really big, big spooks at the end of the lead line, fortunately,
never under saddle.go figure.  I have an older full Arab mare, very
animated, looking at her you'd think she's wound like an 8 day clock,
but she's steady eddy on the trail,  maybe a slight look and a little
body arch away from scary object, but no stop, jump to the side, spin,
bolt or buck. I have 2 other full Arabs, one is only very slightly
balky, more just spoiled 'cause my daughter doesn't like to force her to
do anything, although she is still very reliable. And another gelding,
again only slight shying from him. Once on a cliff trail, no room even
to turn around, and a long drop off, a squirrel dropped down from the
high side right in front of his nose. A spook would have sent us over
the edge. He dipped his head slightly and never changed his pace. I knew
at that point that his sense of self preservation would keep us safe.

I'm sorry to hear that Callie won't be dong any LDs with you. It's
unfortunate that we can't believe what people tell us when they are
selling a horse. I guess you'll have your own pre-purchase exam done
next time.

Also, about some of those show barns, not all of them, but some of them
whip the horses in the stall so get them all hyped up and animated. I
sure wouldn't want to go into a stall with a horse that'd been treated
that way. 

Good luck finding yourself a nice Arab. Lots of them are pasture raised,
better for their hooves, bodies & minds.  Don't believe that all Arabs
are spooky or unreliable, that's just not true.

Grass Valley, CA


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