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RE: [RC] [RC] Heavyweight Riders getting slammed - Born CountryOkay, I guess I have to jump in here. I looked at the posts on the Kiger Board, not just the snip mentioned, but went down to see the other posts as well. This lady did apologize. This was posted by her: "Well, I've been chewed out privately twice about this afternoon's post. I certainly didn't mean it the way a couple of people interpreted it. But I do apologize if it was interpreted as intending to be hurtful to an individual, by any reader. As far as appearances, I am betting that I am much fatter and uglier than any rider mentioned. . I am quite sure that their pictures are far more flattering than any pictures of me on horseback would be. Riders come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and ages, and that's good." Sometimes, it's good to check out ALL the facts. This is a JFWIW. Esther and Chagalle --- Anita Waldrip <afwaldrip@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: I am a hvy wt rider also. Just because we are heavier than some of the other riders does not mean we are not fit. I am diabetic and struggle with my weight but I am fit enough to ride a 50. I know of some people who are pounds away from being a heavy weight rider and they couldn't ride a 50 if their lives depended on it. Also, where does it say we have to be professional horsemen to own horses of any breed. I do not consider myself a professional horseman but I am very capable of taking care of, riding and promoting any breed of horse that I chose. I prefer arabians although everyone has their own preferences but with this lady throwing comments like she did, that is not going to help the Kiger breed. Maybe you should take away her horses because she is definitely not being professional. Anita Waldrip --- Chris Paus <chrisnstar@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: --------------------------------- Jillian, No matter what you say to this person, it won't matter. Just ride your horse and do the best you can. Living well is the best revenge, as they say. I'm also a hvy rider and have ridden for the last few years at about your weight. I've found the other riders on trail to be very encouraging to me and helpful. finally, I'm tipping the scales the other direction, yeah! and it feels great. But, I've got a long way to go to get out of the hvy class. Just ride your own ride, take good care of your horse, and to heck with anyone who has something negative to say. that person must need to put others down to make herself feel better. "Press on. Nothing can take the place of persistence," Calvin Coolidge Chris BayRab Acres http://pages.prodigy.net/paus Lake RegionSWA http://lakeregionswa.fws1.com --------------------------------- From: Karisma Kigers <karismakigers@xxxxxxxxx> To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [RC] Heavyweight Riders getting slammed Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 14:57:55 -0800 (PST)Fellow Riders, The below comment was mostly made about me. I am a first year, LD, heavyweight rider. I'm hover around 220-230# and the pictures referenced were taken onmyfirst and second rides (5 months after having knee surgery) http://www.kigerhorse.org Under Photo Gallery). I tried to find stats to show the involvement of the heavyweight rider and that heavyweight riders can and do accomplish incredible mileage/wins. I'm having a tough time finding this info, I know that AERC keeps these numberssomewhere.Anyway, can we set this lady straight? Over thelastfew months I have had to put up with this lady's "pot-shots" on a public forum. Now, I need backup. I guess what has me all fired up is the implication that heavyweight riders can't be professional horsemen! Thanks, Jillian McIntosh M35832 "The KHAR photo gallery confirms to me that we are light years away from having professional horsemen involve themselves with Kigers : pix ofout-of-shapeso-called endurance pairs (duh! an endurance riderhasto be as fit as the horse!)..." Written by Betty Roberts Email: okiekigers@xxxxxxxxxxx Original post can be found:http://www.aimoo.com/forum/postview.cfm?id=354176&CategoryID=46926&startcat=1&ThreadID=2746122=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net,http://www.endurance.net.Information, Policy, Disclaimer:http://www.endurance.net/RidecampSubscribe/Unsubscribehttp://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/logon.aspRide Long and Ride Safe!!=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--------------------------------- FREE online classifieds from Windows Live Expo ? buy and sell with people you know =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net. 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