[RC] [Consider This] Winter Hoof Care - MerriThehorse.com - Full storyChill Out on Hoof Care Concerns by: Sushil Dulai Wenholz November 01 2006, Article # 8004 Whether winter means a well-deserved break for your horse or the start of the "snowbird circuit," your horse's hooves might need some special "seasonal" attention. Exactly what adjustments you'll want to make depends on the type of winter weather you endure, how much and where you ride, and, of course, your individual horse. In this article, Certified Journeyman Farriers Tim Quinn of Jeddo, Mich., and Richard Duggan, owner of the Minnesota School of Horseshoeing in Ramsey, Minn., walk you through top points to consider as cooler days descend. Wet Weather Worries In many parts of the country, winter means wet weather, from snow and chilling rains to high humidity. That can set the stage for an increase in bacterial and fungal issues, including thrush. And those can lead to hoof deterioration and lameness. More... -- Posted By Merri to Consider This at 12/27/2007 11:15:00 PM