From: splendacrest@xxxxxxxxxxx To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [RC] Another Aussie disaster! Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 05:54:46 +0000
Hi All
Australia is still battling the effects of the Equine Influenza outbreak. Our Department of Primary Industries has committed to a program of eradication, and is carrying this out by selective vaccination in "buffer zones" around infected areas. Although the vaccination program is slowly being implemented, the virus is still creeping along and turning our equine industries to mush!
The Thoroughbred Racing industry has been very vocal in protecting its interests, and has managed to get most of their stock vaccinated and 'back on track'. However the other 80% of horses in the country are still being treated as second class citizens, and our 2008 endurance riding prospects are looking pretty bad.
And then today comes the announcement that the 2008 Tom Quilty Gold Cup has been postponed until 2009! In Aussie terms, "BUGGER!". I was so looking forward to this event, as were all endurance riders here!
I am located in one of the "hottest" zones, a highly-populated and horse-friendly area of south-east Queensland. Since 25 August we have been unable to ride our horses out of the front gate. My horses have all now had the virus, and are slowly recovering, however as they had no native immunity they were hit pretty badly. I don't expect to start working any of them until March 2008 or so. It is summer here, with high temps, so we normally gear down during this time anyway. However with the total restrictions on movement (except for emergency veterinary reasons) it is impossible for me to move any of my horses to summer pastures (which is what I'd normally do).
So, the feed bill is increasing, the hopes are being dashed, and now the 2008 Quilty isn't on! Does it sound like I'm a little depressed?
BUT.... there's always a silver lining, isn't there? And my silver lining is that I am very much looking forward to our upcoming tour of the USA! A very determined (determined to have a good time) group of Aussie endurance riders will be descending upon you all at the Convention. Hey John, I would LOVE a @ button too!
We will have several (good, experienced) riders wanting to do the Eastern Mojave and/or the 20 Mule Team rides. I have been offered horses for a couple of riders, but am still chasing horses if possible for the others. Please let me know if you can help us out.
All the riders coming with me have multiple horses here, and all are willing to host US riders on a reciprocal basis. And, boy, wait to you meet this group..... you are gonna have some fun, guaranteed!!
Remember.... YOU ARE GOING TO BE OUR SILVER LINING! We can't wait!
Best regards
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