No involvement of the Humane Society in the article. The local Animal Control and the Mich. County Dept. of Agriculture were involved. The vet did not say there was nothing wrong with the horses, rather that it could have been resolved without seizure.
For those who are afraid of large organizations, get real. Human nature rules, and there will always be mistakes and controversy /"us" vs "them" mentality, but there is no other way to accomplish things on a large scale without organization, and everything takes $$$$$$$$$ these days. Just bringing awareness to the public is a valuable service.
From: kskf@xxxxxxxxxxxxx To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: [RC] Humane Society (OT) Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 10:33:49 -0800
There's also something going on in MI now too
with a "humane" organization taking a herd of horses - even though the
organization's vet said nothing was wrong with the horses!
The pictures I saw of the horses certainly didn't
look even thin to me. Both mares I have ridden in their first couple 50s dropped
a lot of weight after, that it took a while to put back - good thing no "do
gooders" were about then I guess. Kind of scary.
We had a similar situation in this area some years
ago. Someone turned in an Arabian horse breeder for neglect of young
stock. As I heard it, the young stock was out in a large pasture.
We all know how "teenagers" go through that gangly stage, and our vet said
that was all there was to it. But the SPCA came to the ranch, rounded up
all the horses, trucked them into the SPCA facilities and I suppose fined the
owners. I'm not certain of all the details, but I think it was a rotten
situation. Ultimately, the people moved away, lock, stock,
barrel and horses to somewhere in remote northern CA.
After watching the Humane Society in action,
I have no respect for how they handle some situations. They raided a
neighbor and confiscated her dogs. But, before they did so, they called
all the local media, and told them what time they would be there. Then,
when interviewed on the news, they were sure to give out their phone
number for donations. The dogs were not in trouble, nor were they unfed,
or uncared for. Just too many of them. All were fat and healthy. But those
"poor dogs" got over $40,000 in donations for the Humane Society. They
never contacted the neighbor ahead of time to try to "help" her in any
way, just made a huge media production out of it, to get money. They
won't get any of my money.
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