[RC] Really wide-backed horse and saddle fit - Liz Masters
Since I am the queen of owning Arabians with no withers and wide backs and big barrels, I have found that a treeless just rolls around too much. They also slide up on their necks as there is nothing to help hold it.
My horse Amigo is not only wide he is a little sway backed. I rode him for 30 days in a Freeform and although it helped with his girth rub issues his back was SO sore. It took him 2 Chiropractic sessions and consistent massage to get him straightened out. So I went back to my Sharon Saare and have never had another back problem.
I have found that most wide backed Arabians fit a CC tree really well, while some do best with a D tree. Also if they are built a little down hill, a 1/2" raise really helps stabilize the saddle.
Liz Masters
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