I keep my horse at a boarding stable which feeds "low-quality" grass hay but since I'm not in control of it, I can't really have it analyzed all the time. So I give her "LMF Super Supplement" which is a pellet designed for easy keepers who don't need the grain, and a plain salt lick. Seems to be doing the trick for us-- she's losing the extra fat she had when I got her, and she has energy. She is a mustang pony so she definitely has the genes to get FAT and unhealthy.
On Dec 10, 2007, at 6:21 AM, Milroy Grosse wrote:
I was curious about what, if any, supplements people may give to their easy keepers? By this is mean that my horse has ample pasture (even in winter) and gets great quality hay but doesn't need the extra calories of grain. But sometimes I feel like she could use some supplements like a person would take a vitamin for improved performance. Any suggestions?