Although only “planning” on doing a few 50s in ’07 on
my horse, Sonny, 9 yrs old, who did his first 50 at Lake Oroville in November ’06,
IF he does well and has absolutely no problems (easyboots
are currently challenging us, he can’t bear to have nails driven into his
hoof and I don’t want to sedate him for shoeing) would it be reasonable to think he’d
be fit for a 100 in late July? He’s short, very sturdy, with great
recoveries, was raised in large pasture and I put him under saddle last year. I’ve
been tentatively offered another horse, but if something happens and I can’t
use the other horse, I’m considering Sonny as a back-up horse. I’ll
be conditioning him in the toughest canyons of the ride (Tevis) because they
are more accessible than the easier sections. And of course if anything during
our conditioning pointed to him not being able to do it, I wouldn’t push