Re: [RC] Scar tissue/infection - vet advice - Mary Boulware
I had a horse years ago that did the same thing on the back
of a rear leg 3 days after a competition even though there had been no visible
damage before the tiny pin sized hole and some discharge appeared. I
also applied the furazone wrap like Don mentioned and have had great
success with in the past and Vet asked me to try this for a couple of days and
if that did not draw anything to get it x-rayed. . After a few
days of this and hosing the area it would still have discharge so was about to
call Vet. as I was sure there may be some kind of foreign body in it.
Then a friend told me to try shredded onion compresses. The very next
day when I removed the onion wrap there was lots of discharge on the
bandage, gave the wound a squeeze and out popped a very small cactus
prong! True it may have eventually come out but probably not without some
dissecting and may have migrated the other way into tendon sheath.
Healed well after this. We use onion allot now on wounds and find it
really draws well.
Hello Lysane, I have dealt with several bad leg cuts that were
infected. This is what a vet told me to do and it has worked very well for
me. Put a thick coating of "Furazone" or "Furaseptin" (thick yellow stuff
like Vaseline but water based) all over the wound, wrap it with plastic
wrap (not tight) then wrap a paper diaper around it and secure with
vet-wrap (firm). Leave it on only 24hrs. Remove and hose the wound to
remove any loose scabs and make the wound start to seep blood. I let the
horse stand until the leg is dry (otherwise the Furazone will not
stick on long enough to re-wrap) and then repeat until the swelling and pus
are gone. When a hard spray of water hits Furazone the stuff foams like soap
and cleans off completely leaving no residue. Once it appears to have no
infection I smear on the Furazone and do not wrap. The wound gets lots of
crud in it and I hose it off every day and reapply Furazone and they always
heal very nicely. The really bad infections also get 3-5 days of Penn-G @
20ml twice a day. That's a big shot and I do not use cold Penn, I keep the
bottle at 80F while giving shots then discard it (do not keep it, get a new
one for next time) and rotate the shots around the horse's body, neck and
butt on both sides. I know your problem is less serious but the Furazone
wrap might help draw everything out. Good