Yep -- Caisson does this occasionally, usually when I get home. ?I have bermuda hay in the hay bag, but I usually give him a treat of a handful of alfalfa in the trailer, so sometimes he's much too busy trying to scarf up the last few alfalfa leaves to bother coming out of the trailer. ?:) ?
On Dec 2, 2007, at 11:54 AM, Dawn Carrie wrote:
I have the opposite problem the average person gelding Sundance will hop right in the trailer...but when we get to where we're going, or back home, he doesn't want to come out.? He'll turn and look at me with a big mouthful of hay, then turn back to the hay and keep munching.? I often have to open the escape door to push him out.? He *knows* the signal to exit (a couple of tugs on his tail), but for the past couple of months has decided that there's no reason to come out, when there's FOOD in the trailer.